Updates and Information
This is the page where you'll find useful information that is pertinent to your ownership at Belmont. This information rarely changes!
Updated Work Rules
The Board of Trustees has voted to allow noise-free light work in season on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
The Board voted to allow contractors to provide bids on weekends in the off-season only. This is a change of policy.
No Work Will Be Permitted Any Friday, Saturday, or Sunday in the Season.
There is never any work allowed on any weekend, year-round.
Important Change Regarding Mid-Rise Balconies
All forms of tile (ceramic or porcelain) have been removed from the approved decking materials.
No owner may place or replace tiles on their balconies. This change is necessary due to the porous nature of the tile, grout, and concrete underneath. Water and moisture are seeping through, causing damage to the hollow core slabs and affecting unit owners beneath these tiled decks.
(Owners that currently have tile on their balconies are not required to remove it unless it begins to cause problems with the concrete slabs; affecting the unit beneath you.)
Winter Closing Procedure
Midrise Unit
Turn off both water valves at the water meter.
Turn off the circuit breaker for the hot water tank, clothes dryer, and both circuit breakers for the rooftop a/c unit. Leave utility room bi-fold doors open to allow heat to circulate.
Put the a/c thermostat control in the “off” position, with the fan switch in the “auto” position. The “heat” setting on this thermostat is not functional.
Flush each toilet, holding down the flush valve until no more water will exit.
Open each sink and tub faucet to allow any residual water to drain; then close the faucets. It is not necessary or recommended that you drain the hot water tank.
Pour a few ounces of non-toxic antifreeze (available at any hardware store) into each sink drain, tub drain, toilet bowl, tank, and floor drain in the utility room. Do not use automotive antifreeze.
Unplug the washer, and verify that the washing machine water valve is off. If you turn off your refrigerator, be sure to leave the door ajar.
Set master bedroom and living room thermostats at 50 degrees. Open kitchen and bathroom sink cabinets, the utility room folding door, and both bathroom doors. In a 3-bedroom unit, include the thermostat in the room adjacent to the kitchen. In a 1 or 2-bedroom unit facing the parking lot, leave the master bedroom walk-in closet bi-fold doors (Bldg. 1-2-5-6) or the utility closet (Bldg. 3 & 4) open to allow heat circulation. The kitchen baseboard heater, as well as both bathroom heaters can be left off. Use of the thermostat in the guest bedroom is optional, but the room door must be closed if the thermostat is left off.
The thermostat that operates your air-conditioning does not operate heat and should be left in the “off” position.
Remove everything from your balcony deck. Close living room window storm panels (if applicable).
Install “Mr. Thirsty” devices in the inside tracks of all sliding doors and on the inside threshold of the hinged deck door (2nd, 3rd, and 4th floor Units only).
Leave a set of keys in the office or on your kitchen counter for any Vehicle stored in the underground parking garage.

Townhouse Unit
Turn off both water valves at the water meter in the basement.
Open outdoor hose connections (front & rear) to drain water. Disconnect any hoses and close outdoor valves.
Flush toilets and hold down the flush valve until no more water exits.
Open each sink and tub faucet to allow any residual water to drain; then close the faucets.
Pour a few ounces of non-toxic antifreeze (available at any hardware store) into each sink drain, tub drain, toilet bowl, and tank. Do not use automotive antifreeze.
Turn off the circuit breaker for the dryer, unplug the washer, and verify that the washing machine water valve is off. If you turn off your refrigerator, be sure to leave the door ajar.
Set your thermostat at 50 degrees, with the control switch on “heat” and the fan switch on “auto.”
Open kitchen and bathroom sink cabinet doors to allow heat circulation.
Store trash containers in the garage.